Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spiritual Bypass

Spiritual bypass (or spiritual bypassing) happens when someone uses spiritual excuses for avoiding facing important issues. One very common example is when people refuse to acknowledge any sort of negative emotions or behavior. It’s all good, only good vibes here, … Continue reading

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The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction goes something like this:  Like attracts like; so if you want money, you think about abundance, wealth, affirm that you have prosperity.  By thinking these things, wealth will be attracted to you.  Similarly for health, relationships, … Continue reading

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The Unpronounceable Name of God

There is a Name of God that is considered the true Name in the Jewish tradition.  It is called the Tetragrammaton, the Name with four letters.  The letters are the Hebrew equivalents of Y, H, V (or W), and H.  … Continue reading

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Karma Is Not Punishment

I often hear people discuss karma as though it were punishment for misdeeds. This is an inaccurate description of karma. It is based on our limited understanding.

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Fuzzy Bunny Spirituality

It is a common belief that once you’re on your spiritual path, things suddenly become easier: you enjoy abundance, perfect health, happiness, and other benefits. I call this notion “Fuzzy Bunny Spirituality.” Everything is supposed to be easier now.

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Ego gets a bad rap, but it exists for a reason. The problem isn’t that Ego exists, nor is the solution to eliminate Ego. It’s to have Ego serve its proper function without it taking over.

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I believe we are spirits having a human experience. We are embodied for a purpose, which is to “educate” us. Embodiment has several results. We are rendered “numb and dumb” – our perceptions and our knowing become sharply limited by … Continue reading

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The problem isn’t that God doesn’t talk to us. He does so constantly, as any loving Parent does with His children. It’s that we’re not listening. We’re not hearing what God has to say.

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God And Gods

“I bow to God, Who lives in this world with us; whoever calls Him by any name, by that name does He come.”1

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