
The problem isn’t that God doesn’t talk to us. He does so constantly, as any loving Parent does with His children. It’s that we’re not listening. We’re not hearing what God has to say.

You might think that you’d have to be particularly holy and sanctified, in order to hear God. Actually, that’s not quite true. You have to be listening. It may be true that it is often the holy people who listen, but that is not always the case.

To say that scripture is the final word is to say that there can be no divine inspiration, no new knowledge of God’s will or His instructions.

Every religion claims that their prophets were the seal, the final true revelation. This is because religion tries to freeze God into one form, to embalm Him and put His corpse on display. It never works – God is a living God, and He cannot be frozen. Religion is the end of spirituality, the vain attempt to capture and imprison the spirit. Religion is what happens when people have lost touch with Spirit. It is the killed butterfly in a collector’s case, a poor, useless substitute for the living, free creature.

And it all begins for each of us with that still, small voice telling us about love and truth.

Read the Bible, but understand that it is at best a description of other people’s journeys. It may be useful to know what these people encountered, but until you make your own journey, it will be just another travelogue.

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