
This website is about Spirit. I present some of the ideas I’ve encountered that deal with God, Spirit, religion, morality. I believe some of these ideas. For most, however, I am uncertain. I offer ideas I think might be plausible, or that I’ve found comforting, or that seem to me to be of value.

I don’t think that it’s possible to make a statement about God or religion, without offending someone. It is never my desire to offend. If I do, it is unintentional.

I have disabled comments because misuse of comments makes them almost useless. The few reasonable comments become buried under endless spam, insults, and religious tirades. That’s not what I want.

I wish to give fair warning that I use “taboo” language. If you find that offensive or intolerable, then it would probably be better not to read what I have here. I find censorship just as offensive as others may find taboo language. Caveat lector.

If you can survive all that, you may find that I have some plausible, reasonable, and maybe even useful ideas. And that’s my goal.

I have had many teachers. It is impossible to list them all, even if I could remember them all. To those who have offered me a little light, I thank you. You know who you are. I’ll leave it at that.