Karma Is Not Punishment

I often hear people discuss karma as though it were punishment for misdeeds. This is an inaccurate description of karma. It is based on our limited understanding.

Karma is correction, not punishment. The notion that if you caused someone X amount of suffering, you then have to endure the same amount of suffering, is misguided. Such an experience would represent vengeance, which has no place in Spirit.

Often a person’s karma involves him undergoing the same treatment he showed someone else. He learns how it feels. He’s on the receiving end. However, if he learns quickly, he needn’t continue to suffer. There is something known as Grace.

Often, a person’s karma does not involve him having the same experience. The lessons he needs to learn may require completely different experiences that may seem to have little connection to his deeds.

In our embodied state, we are unable to see clearly, cannot know with certainty what sorts of lessons need to be learned. Many of us have been taught that God punishes misdeeds. Many religions preach hellfire and damnation, which are wholly misguided teachings. Those who have broken free of such judgemental teachings may come to regard karma as the punishment. for misbehavior. This is a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough.

There is no vengeance, no punishment. There is correction, which is often quite painful. However, the purpose of the lesson is to teach, not to punish or cause pain. Once the lesson has been learned, there is no need to continue it.

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